IDEA 410 Capstone Project

Shuangqian Wang


October 4: Mid-terms; Proposal draft due

  • Oct 17: character design
  • Nov 8: Storyboard outline

November 7-11: 5th Floor Gallery Installation

  • Storyboard outline animation test

November 11: Open Studios Event (Capstone Final Show for those graduating Fall ’22)

  • Storyboard outline animation test

November 22, 29: End of semester Work-in-Progress presentations

  • Animate the storyboard

December 6: Deliverables due

  • Animate the storyboard

January 10: Spring semester Work-in-Progress presentations

  • Start draft
  • Sketch: refinement line

March 7: Mid-terms; in-progress check-ins

  • Color
  • Animation 
  • Add music

April 21: Capstone Final Show

April 25: Final Capstone Presentations

May 2: Final Deliverables due

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