IDEA 410 Capstone Project

Shuangqian Wang

Artist Statement

Different environments bring up different people, and people’s personalities are effect by both innate and acquired. Will someone say, “Your character is not good, you should be like them so people will like you better”? As I was growing up, my classmates and friends gradually distinguished themselves into different groups; some became lively, and some became silent. A few students in the class would always choose to be alone and not join the group. However, after  I got my own mobile phone and entered the online world in high school, I discovered that many people have different inner worlds, and most people’s inner worlds are not what they appear on the surface.

My project is an animation about a day in the life of a boy who is not very sociable. The story’s background is in a junior high school set in China. This is an age when children are growing up and starting to have more ideas, and at the same time, have more uncertainties about the future. The story’s protagonist is timid and not good at socializing but likes to be lively. He wants to integrate into the group but is afraid of doing so at the same time. So he imagines his other self doing what he wants but is afraid to do. At the end of the story, I want to do an open thinking:  Everyone’s personality and code of conduct would never be quite the same. Should we change ourselves to fit in the big group in getting along with necessary or unnecessary interpersonal relationships?

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